Nutritionist called food that helps to lose weight.
There are several dozen types of products, which accelerate fat metabolism and help to quickly get rid of deposits on the waist and hips.
This was told by the dietician Lyudmila Babich.
“Fat burning foods – it’s not a myth, they do exist. The most effective are grapefruit, pineapple, cinnamon, mustard, horseradish and ginger. Of course, they need to be consumed as a separate dish, if you hope to achieve good effect. Well, if you generously sprinkle the grapefruit with sugar and add pineapple to fruit salad with whipped cream, the effect can not wait. In addition, fat burners are vegetables and herbs. For example, a very affordable and simple product cabbage, he will not only contribute to early burn already deposited fat, but also gently cleanse the body of toxins”, – said the doctor.
Similar effects have also vegetable fiber contained in brown rice, whole grains and beans.
If you like spicy food, do not deny yourself the pleasure – chili pepper speeds up the metabolism in the body. A similar, though less pronounced effect, also have other hot spices.
To the process of weight loss passed quickly, and discomfort and feelings of hunger did not arise, eat beets, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, turnips, pumpkin. They have very few calories, but they occupy a large volume in the stomach and you feel full, besides these foods are rich in vitamins and trace elements. But the most pleasant thing in the digestion of these vegetables and root crops, the body spends a lot of energy, that is, you can safely assume that you do not actually eat anything, but the process of getting rid of fat is running.
Have the same effect, fruits and berries – apples, melons, watermelons, plums, all citrus.
And don’t forget about green tea. To learn this drink (without sugar!) the body will spend 60-70 calories (on average), although the tea is no calories. So in fact, this drink can also be considered a fat burner.
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