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These products significantly harm men’s health

Эти продукты существенно вредят мужскому здоровью

The composition and amount of hormones in the male and female body are very different, therefore, the power must be different. After all, some products block the production of testosterone — the main male hormone, writes the with reference to Golos.Ua

Testosterone has a huge impact on the quality of the potency of the stronger sex, active in sex life and fertility, maintaining muscle and bone of the skeleton.

One of the most dangerous for men products — fats, their consumption should be approached very carefully. Omega-6 excessive consumption harmful to the testicles and reduce their size. Taiwanese researchers found that flour and baking contribute to the formation of fat, and reducing muscle mass.

Another enemy of testosterone — meats, more precisely, its excess in the diet. Detrimental effect on a male hormone and alcohol, contributing to the production of estrogen. Extremely useful for men green vegetables and herbs, except for mint — this herb blocks the necessary men hormones.

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