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Why not completely abandon fatty foods

Почему нельзя полностью отказываться от жирной пищиThe expert also urges not to exclude completely from the diet of fatty foods.

Fat AIDS in the absorption of several groups of vitamins, it is needed by the body for normal functioning, and hunger in the evenings only slow metabolism, but does not contribute to weight loss.

Modern nutritionists mostly agree that the most useful figure for health, is a fractional power. It provides the body a constant feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism.

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Eat 3 times, and at least 5, i.e. allow yourself a light snack in between Breakfast and lunch, before dinner, and even shortly before bedtime. Snack on vegetables and fruits during the day, light dairy products – in the evening, says the expert. While L. Babich strongly against the rejection of the dinner and insists that after 6 there is a need.

Ideally, this should be easy “snack” for a couple of hours before bedtime. Choose dairy products with low fat unsweetened yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. This will force the body to work hard digesting food and prostimulirujte a healthy appetite in the morning, also, so you get rid of the desire to eat biscuits with tea or pork.

The expert also urges not to exclude completely from the diet of fatty foods, even if you are trying to lose weight. Fat AIDS in the absorption of several groups of vitamins, and it is necessary for the body to work well. A deficiency slows down the metabolism. Olive oil or sunflower oil will suffice, it is also worth adding into the diet of red meats, but eat them only once or two a week and in small quantities.

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