They have antifungal properties.
Fungal infection is a common disease that occurs when the fungus type of Candida (and he lives in our mouth and in the gut) begins to increase rapidly due to any changes in the environment or specific stimuli.
The use of drugs, improper diet and toxins in the environment are among factors that upset the balance of this type of fungus in our body.
When it becomes too much, he can “pass” through the intestinal wall and enter directly into the bloodstream, and will release all your toxins and cause the body harm.
As a rule, it is not the most serious problem we may face, but it is best to resolve it in a timely manner to avoid the risk of further spread of infection.
And the good news is that this does not need to resort to aggressive medicines. Unwanted side effects can be easily avoided!
To stop the growth and spread of the fungus may only include in your diet products with antifungal properties.
1. Coconut oil
Organic coconut oil contains a substance with antifungal properties, known as Caprylic acid.
Its consumption in small doses allows to cope with the fungus and stop its growth (on the walls of the fungus have small holes).
2. Garlic
Garlic is known worldwide as the most powerful natural antibiotic. So this will be one of the best alternative options in order to prevent the growth of Candida.
Included in its composition of sulfur compounds, especially allicin, act as natural antifungal agents, they change a favorable environment for the growth and spread of the fungus, making it more unfit for it.
3. Apple cider vinegar
Organic Apple cider vinegar is the one that has not been subjected to any processing, contains acid compounds that not only fight by the fungus, but change is favorable for its development environment.
To date, there is not enough scientific studies proving these benefits, but everything points to the fact that Apple cider vinegar contains active enzymes that help to defeat the fungus.
4. Lemons
Lemons and limes are the most preferred representatives of the citrus to change a favorable environment for the growth of fungus and stop its spread.
The alkaline properties of lemon reduce excess acidity in the digestive system and thus inhibit the growth of various microorganisms.
It should also be noted the minimum sugar content of lemons, and love the variety of bacteria and fungi.
5. Strawberries and other red berries
Strawberries and other red berries will be an excellent alternative to cope with this problem. They contain large amounts of vitamin C and it helps to strengthen the immune system.
In every 100 g of berries contains 60 mg of vitamin C, and vitamin a, b vitamins and minerals.
6. Ginger
Ginger root is composed of such substances as gingerol and shogaol, they have anti-inflammatory and antifungal activity, and therefore will be very useful in the fight against fungus.
It’s not the most powerful antifungal agent that is listed here, but it will be a great choice in order to improve the function of the excretory organs and contribute, thus, detoxification of the body.
The active compounds of ginger improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and improve the body’s response to microorganisms that cause infection.
7. Olive oil
Olive oil is considered one of the best types of fats for our health. It is a rich source of fatty acids omega-3 and polyphenols, two components that strengthen the body’s defenses and fight the fungus Candida.
8. Cinnamon
Cinnamon — this spice also has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. In the treatment of candidiasis its action is comparable with Caprylic acid.
The active compounds damage yeast cells, preventing their growth and reproduction and causing them to die.
Cinnamon effectively cope with the fungus Candida, H. pylori and even some types of parasites.
9. Salmon
Salmon is also one of the sources of fatty acids omega-3, making it a good addition to the treatment of fungus.
Its anti-inflammatory action, regulates cellular activity in tissues and alters the conditions required for the favorable development of the fungus.
10. Carnation
In cloves contains a substance called eugenol, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and antifungal and is very effective.
It is about how the spice and its essential oil. And the fungus can be defeated inside the body, and external (outer) manifestation.
In addition to the above foods you can include in your diet sources of probiotics, such as yogurt or kefir.
They are very useful for your health as well as strengthen the protective forces of our organism and help to restore the natural microflora.
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