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Home / Medicine / These good habits will save you a headache

These good habits will save you a headache

Эти полезные привычки избавят вас от головной болиSuffer frequent headaches?

Small changes in the usual diet will help to make migraine attacks less frequent.

Only those who suffer from recurrent migraines, you know how horrible it is. In addition to the excruciating headaches, man has nausea, dramatically increases the sensitivity to smells, light and sound. While migraine will not work, nothing is impossible to do, except, curled up, lying on the bed.

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that people suffering from migraines to 68% greater risk that they will have damaged the white matter of the brain. Of course, you can try to fight the migraines, taking medications, and sometimes they really save. That’s just almost all of them have side effects. There is another way to reduce the risk of recurring migraine – the adjustment of your diet. A few very simple changes in your diet can improve your quality of life! - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Give preference to organic products

When choosing meat, especially pork and chicken, remember that these animals are often fed drugs containing hormones. If you really want to consume, give preference to domestic meat and poultry, and not what is grown on farms.

Don’t get carried away with the milk

It is better to exclude it from your diet, and here’s why. Milk contains casein, it is a special milk protein. For a healthy person it is useful, but for someone who suffers from migraines – on the contrary. Casein often acts as the instigator of the attack, so you should limit the intake of dairy products and those containing milk protein.

Avoid simple carbohydrates

Products like white sugar and pasta, contain simple carbohydrates. They cause a surge in insulin levels in the blood, thereby causing migraines. Try to make your diet less sugar and other products containing simple carbohydrates (honey, sugar, jam, pasta, cakes, sweet fruits, etc.).

Stay hydrated, but refrain from energy drinks

Dehydration often causes headaches, so be careful during the day to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. But remember that your choice of herbal teas or plain water, no green or black tea, no coffee! The fact that caffeine is one of the triggers that causes migraine.

Eat cold food slowly

Like the juice with ice or ice cream? Keep in mind that too cold food, according to some researchers, can also cause headaches. This mechanism is not yet completely understood, but one thing is clear: if gulp drink a glass of water with ice, there is a pain in the middle of the forehead, eyes and nose area. It then can escalate into a migraine. Try to consume cold drinks and food slowly.

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