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These drinks will help to lose weight

Эти напитки помогут быстро сбросить лишний весTOP of the most effective juices for weight loss.

Early spring is the time to bring the shape into perfect shape. The best assistants in this juice.

A glass of any fresh juice taken half an hour before meals, effectively reduces the feeling of hunger. If you add a pinch of spice – juice will turn into a real elixir of slimness and beauty. After all, spices speed up metabolism and is able to actively burn fat.

Experts of “Morning in the City” made the TOP the most effective juices that will help you become slim in the coming months. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

1. Tomato juice

This bright and delicious juice removes from the body excess liquid, excellent reduces appetite, improves metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels. And calories contains a bit – only 17 to 21 kcal per 100 ml.

However, not only the figure will be grateful to you: regular use of tomato juice improves immunity and strengthens the capillaries. However, all this is true only for homemade juices (fresh or canned at least personally). And, of course, no salt!

2. Beet juice

A real boon for those wishing to lose a few extra pounds will be beet juice. It contains beaten – biologically active substance, which helps to complete assimilation of the protein. As a result, a person eats a small piece of meat or fish.
However, drinking beet juice is not: it is poorly digested and gastric mucosa. To get from samolechenie only use, simply dilute the beet juice in half with anyone else.

3. Cabbage juice

This is not too tasty but amazingly healthy juice promotes digestion, improves metabolism, removes from the body toxins… And most importantly – prevents the conversion of simple carbohydrates into fats, and removes from the body has settled on the walls of the intestines the fats.

4. Grapefruit juice

To get rid of extra pounds help not only vegetable but also fruit juices. For example, grapefruit. Grapefruit helps burn fat, removes from the body excess fluid, stimulates the liver and stomach, and also improves performance of the digestive system. And due to its diuretic effect, which causes the juice from the body out excess water.

5. Pineapple juice

Reliable ally in the struggle for the perfect figure – pineapple juice. Some nutritionists suggest once a week to make a pineapple fasting days, drinking only freshly squeezed pineapple juice and green tea. It is believed that this day diet help to throw the 1 kilogram weight. However, before practicing on any diet, always consult your doctor.

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