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It’s appalling that one Australian woman a week is killed by their current or ex-partner, but changing consent laws won’t fix it

In the #METOO era, relations between men and women (one can no longer say “the sexes”)  in western societies are strained and fraught with seemingly irreconcilable tensions. Marriage is in irreversible decline, relationship breakdowns are endemic and the promise of sexual liberation and freedom held out by the 1960s sexual …

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Syrian President Bashar Assad wins re-election with 95.1% of votes

Turnout in Wednesday’s election was 78%, with Assad winning over 13 million votes, according to Hammouda Sabbagh, speaker of the Syrian legislature. Mahmoud Ahmad Marei, who previously served as secretary-general of the rebel coalition National Front for the Liberation of Syria, received some 470,276 votes, or 3.1%, while Abdullah Sallum …

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