It is important to drink at least two liters of water.
One of Britain’s leading urologists, Professor Bhaskar Somani (Somani Bhaskar), a doctor of the clinic of the English city of Southampton (Southampton General Hospital) recalled that in everyday life, we not only often forget or are not able to eat normally, but not replenished adequately water reserves in the body. Meanwhile, dehydration can develop unnoticed and, in the absence of the sensation of thirst. This phenomenon is characteristic of adults, especially older ones.
In case of dehydration the body the person is in heat stroke, fraught with death, but Bhaskar Somani in his article draws attention to another danger. He writes that in Europe and in many other parts of the world every year the number of new cases of kidney stones increases in quantities from 5% to 10%.
Sometimes kidney stones can be hereditary disease, but in many cases this disease is caused by chronic dehydration.
50% of the patients operated on the reason of kidney stones, over the next 10 years there is a relapse. In most cases this phenomenon occurs due to non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations regarding prevention of dehydration.
Remember that daily norm of consumption of liquid is from 2 to 3 liters. Patients with diabetes, gout and inflamed bowel syndrome the risk of kidney stones increased for this reason they should be regularly checked by a urologist.
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