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Called healthy drinks that invigorate not worse than coffee

Названы полезные напитки, которые бодрят не хуже кофеLet’s talk about those drinks that invigorate and give us energy for the whole day.

Coffee or hard to replace, but we’ll talk about the drinks that are as evocative impact on our body and coffee.

What are the best drinks you should try to feel the same energy lift as after coffee.

Hot chocolate
Cocoa helpful for our body as it contains many useful vitamins that sometimes similar as with coffee and wine. It is believed that cocoa may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, because it has flavonoids, which are also in grape and citrus peel. And drinking a Cup of hot chocolate, you get a dose of vitamins A, C, E and B.

Green tea
Green tea contains a lot of vitamin C, which is an excellent preventative measure in the winter from all sorts of diseases. It is no secret that green tea contains 1-4% caffeine, even more than in the coffee as well as tannin, that suppresses appetite, and therefore very useful when losing weight, and a lot of iron, iodine. And now only are a vitamin bomb in the morning?!

What could be more useful than fresh juice?! The use of such a morning beverage is undeniable. You must agree, to Wake up from the smell of fresh juice is really great!

Fresh can definitely replace coffee as such a strong concentrate of vitamins and minerals contained in freshly squeezed juice, literally “shake” your body in the morning and make you start the day active and happy.

Ginger tea
Tea made from ginger is very easy to prepare and does not take much time, but with the proportions still be careful. Simply cut or RUB the peeled ginger, add mint and honey to taste, and pour boiling water over it all. The fact that ginger includes essential oils, vitamins and amino acids that fight against many diseases.

Also, ginger tea is extremely useful when losing weight, as it is low in calories, and speeds up the metabolism, bringing your body of toxins and wastes. But if you suffer from swelling in the morning, tea from ginger is a great help you with this.

So there are many different ways to cheer up in the morning, with minimal harm to the body. There is nothing better than a proper and healthy start that will give you energy and inner satisfaction. The main thing to remember about harmony and balance in everything!

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