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5 foods that cause bad body odor

5 продуктов, которые вызывают неприятный запах телаSome of the dishes, or rather, their components can be a source of not too pleasant smells.

Warning: if you are going to an important meeting or a crowded party with friends, it is better to refrain from eating these products.

Red meat
In 2006, researchers from the Czech Republic collected perspiration samples from meat-lovers and vegetarians. They then asked a group of women to identify the odors of the body. It turned out that vegetarians smell much more pleasant than lovers eat meat. If a vegetarian lifestyle is not for you, try replacing the meat with seafood. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Dr. Charles Stewart explains that the fragrance of the body depends partly on the genetic level, and partly due to the presence of bacteria living on the skin, such as Corynebacterium. When mixed with a protein contained in the sweat, they are split on pretty smelly components.

After tasting the garlic the people are unpleasant smell not only the mouth but also from other parts of the body. The thing is, these constituents of garlic, as allicin and Allin are converted in the body into other substances that increase the interaction of bacteria with sweat.

These are rich in sulfur and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, help to rid the body of toxins and carcinogenic cells. However, they are also responsible for the sharp unpleasant body odor similar to the scent of rotten eggs. It stands out along with the gas during bouts of flatulence.

Aroma of some spices, like curry and cumin directly affects the discharge from the skin pores. Distinctive smell can remain on your body for several days.
Source: News Yu

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