Before going to sleep need to eat the right foods.
Experts in the field of healthy eating called unexpected foods that need to eat before bed, if you want to sleep.
They also voiced those products which use in the evening should be avoided at any cost.
Statistics show that insomnia faces every third man, and most of the adult population gets the recommended 8 hours of sleep. One reason for the low quality of rest at night can be our food, especially on the eve of departure to bed. Experts in the field of healthy nutrition of the UK gave recommendations on which products should be consumed before bedtime, and which must be abandoned.
For example, bananas are full of magnesium, which is a muscle relaxant and hormones serotonin and melatonin, causing drowsiness. Also for rapid immersion in a dream, useful honey, which contains glucose. It tells our brain about the need to turn off orexin — a chemical that stimulates wakefulness.
Almonds contain tryptophan and magnesium that contribute to the natural slow down of the muscles and nerves and stabilize the heart rhythm. Oats assists in the development of insulin and increase blood sugar levels in a natural way. Also it is rich in melatonin. Finally, the Turkey is to be full of tryptophan that causes sleepiness.
In any case, do not use bedtime alcohol for more than a quick sleep, because it disrupts the normal alternation of fast and slow phases of sleep, which the next morning you Wake up with a feeling of weakness. Refrain from spicy foods, straining of stomach and colon because it contains capsaicin, changing body temperature.
Not the best choice to be fatty foods strain the digestive system and causing the release of large amounts of gastric juice, and coffee, stimulation. Finally, hard cheeses and processed meats contain high levels of amino acid tyramine, which causes the brain to release a chemical that causes a feeling of awakening.
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