NASA warned of the mortal danger for the first settlers on Mars.
The colonization of Mars remains the most serious and ambitious project of space explorers. To settle the Red planet human settlements people seek from the beginning of space flight.
However, experts at NASA have warned of the mortal danger for space travelers on the surface of our nearest planet.
It’s all about the atmosphere of Mars, which not only lacks the need to breathe elements, but also has a significantly lower density compared to terrestrial indicators.
The atmosphere of the red planet a hundred times less strong than the Earth’s atmosphere. It faces the surface of Mars, the meteorite bombardment, such as those that shook the Earth billions of years ago.
Thus, stay on the surface of Mars associated with a fatal risk is banal to die by falling meteorites.
This issue requires a thorough and detailed study. Scientists believe that already landed on Mars, people will be able to some extent to reduce the risk of meteorite elements.
For this purpose, in particular, it will be possible to invent the device, changing the trajectory of motion of large celestial bodies in detecting their approach.
Astronomers are not sure of the fidelity of these calculations, although I warn the earth could be destroyed on Mars in a few minutes.
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