Speaking on Monday, Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer, a leading figure in France’s war on woke, said that ancient Greek and Latin would become available to sixth formers pursuing vocational courses next year, as well as middle school students. Blanquer wants sixth formers to have the opportunity to “develop their culture” …
Read More »Ancient 140K-year-old ‘Dragon Man’ skull found hidden in Chinese well where it languished, abandoned, for decades
Discovered in the Chinese city of Harbin, the skull retains some primitive features found in our distant ancestors, including a low brow and braincase plus a broad nose. However, it also shows some signs of more refined hominid characteristics, like flatter and more delicate cheekbones. The creature’s apparent mixture of …
Read More »Google apologizes after listing ancient language spoken by 40 million people as ‘ugliest in India’
The tech giant came under fire after it was discovered that typing “ugliest language in India” into its search engine returned “Kannada,” a language spoken by more than 40 million people, predominantly in the southwestern Indian state of Karnataka. The harsh designation soon caught the eye of officials in Bangalore, …
Read More »Egypt parades 22 mummies through Cairo, showing off ancient heritage & putting ‘Pharaoh’s curse’ myth to rest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
The convoy of golden trucks that moved through the streets of Cairo on Saturday was designed to resemble the ancient boats that once carried deceased pharaohs to their tombs. The mummy of King Ramesses V © Reuters / Amr Abdallah Dalsh The mummies were transported inside climate-controlled capsules filled with …
Read More »Ancient Roman ‘Lamborghini’ chariot discovered at Pompeii in immaculate condition (PHOTOS)
The “exceptional discovery” has already been described by one expert in the ancient world as the equivalent of discovering a Roman-era sports car. “Many of the vehicles I’d written about before … are your standard station wagon or vehicle for taking the kids to soccer. This is a Lamborghini. This …
Read More »Beneath the surface of the moon may hide the remains of ancient planets of the Solar system
Researchers from the University of new Mexico are sure that the depths of our satellite conceal the evidence of an ancient collision that drastically affected the course of development of our planet and could even be the cause of the origin of life. About 4.5 billion years ago something the …
Read More »Archaeologists have found traces of the most ancient and mysterious people of the Arctic
The traces belonging to the most mysterious and ancient people of the Arctic – shirta found in the Bay Makarov is the Kara sea. To such conclusion Krasnoyarsk archaeologists. They dug a shelter, built under ground, with an area of almost 150 square meters. It was found tools made from …
Read More »The history of pole dancing: from Ancient Greece to the official sport
Ask 100 people what they think of pole dancing, and 95 will answer that for them is vulgarity. They can understand, because the consciousness of most dance at the pylon means to sell your body. Some truth in this. Yes, before the strip is meant to show its merits drunken …
Read More »The NASA Rover Curiosity has discovered evidence of the existence on Mars of ancient lakes
The NASA Rover Curiosity in the process of exploration of Gale crater, a vast dry bed of the ancient lake with a hill in the centre, found in the soil residues containing sulfate salt. The presence of these salts suggests that once there was salt lake. The sulfate salt …
Read More »The ancient Chinese used cannabis in funeral rituals
Scientists have proved that the ancient highlanders used psychoactive substances during the funeral rituals. In Eurasia, as scientists believe, the Smoking of pipes came after the discovery of the New world, but the practice of burning certain substances and inhaling the resulting smoke existed since ancient times. An international group …
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