The Express diet calculated for 1-3 days and help to relieve during this time from 2 to 5 kg.
It should be noted that all of these diets have the impact on the body, so they must be used only for healthy people. As a rule, calorie Express diets — no more than 1500 calories a day.
Apple quick diet for 1 day. 3 days before starting the diet should abandon fatty high calorie food to eliminate from meat and eggs, to give preference to dairy products, cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables.
Sample menu
— dried fruit (Apple) boiled — 100 g;
— Apple juice with pulp 200 ml.
— a salad of grated apples with lemon juice — 200 g;
— fresh apples — 3 PCs.;
— Apple juice with pulp 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: apples — 2 PCs.
apples, baked in the oven, — 3 PCs.;
— cake Apple — 50 g;
— stewed apples — 250 ml.
Before bed: Apple juice with pulp 250 ml.
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