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Named seven reasons to eat spicy food

Названы семь причин чаще употреблять острую пищуStudies confirm the beneficial properties of spicy food.

The sharp taste of the pepper is given to nature in order to scare away animals trying to eat it. However, a unique digestive system allows it to eat even what the rest is bypassed. People are divided into two types: those who loves spicy food and those who can not stand. If you belong to the first type, you got lucky. Recent studies increasingly confirm the beneficial properties of spicy foods, which often goes against the common view that acute harmful to health. For example, has long been for anybody not a secret the fact that the pepper helps to fight colds. Here are a few useful properties of spicy food, which you should know.

Spicy food helps to prevent stomach ulcers

You’ve probably heard the stories that pepper can burn a hole in your stomach or cause ulcers. In fact, Cayenne pepper is a great prophylactic against ulcers. Capsaicin contained in Cayenne pepper, neutralizes spiral bacteria that are the causative agent of the disease. As was revealed in the result of the study, those whose diet includes dishes of Korean or Indian food, three times less likely to suffer from stomach ulcers than those whose diet is based on traditional European cuisine.

Spicy food is good for the heart

Pepper minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing the number LLNP (“bad” cholesterol) and increase the number of LIT (“good” cholesterol) in the blood. Recently capsaicin has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers for its ability to strengthen blood vessels and stabilize heart rhythm. Besides, pepper contains huge amounts of antioxidants, including those which prevent aging. Spicy food creates a feeling of warmth and expansion of blood vessels and the production of adrenaline reduces blood pressure. Also hot pepper strengthens blood vessels, as it has a lot of vitamins A and C.

The pepper helps to fight common cold

Capsaicin helps to relieve the spasm of the nasal mucosa, eliminates congestion and reduces emissions. Accordingly, the spicier the food the better. If you have a stuffy nose, add in a Cup of hot tea a pinch of chili, inhale steam, and then take a SIP — it’ll clear the nasal passages and breathing becomes much easier. In addition to capsaicin, Cayenne pepper is a rich source of vitamin A, which helps strengthen the mucous membranes of the nose, which is a barrier impermeable to the germs and bacteria inside the body.

Spicy food helps to lose weight

According to studies, pepper improves the metabolism in the body, reduces hunger and burns calories. There is also decrease the craving for fatty and sweet foods, those whose diet consists of meals with a high content of pepper.

Prevention of cancer

Curcumin, contained in turmeric, has properties that prevent the development of some types of cancer and malignant tumors. Also, according to studies, capsaicin can slow the growth of malignant cells in case of prostate cancer. But to draw definitive conclusions too early, as it requires a larger number of studies involving people.

Struggle with depression

Spicy food stimulates secretion in the body “happiness hormones” serotonin and endorphins, thus reducing stress on the nervous system during stressful situations.

Improve sleep

The warming effect of the spices helps to relax and to sleep. And as the stomach at fans of spicy food, rarely crowded, a person normally gets enough sleep and wakes up in the morning cheerful and with good appetite at Breakfast.

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