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Home / Medicine / How to properly prepare the body for the beginning of lent

How to properly prepare the body for the beginning of lent

Как грамотно подготовить организм к началу Великого поста Sudden change in diet can harm the body.

This year lent begins February 27 and runs until 15 April, heralding a glorious feast of Easter. Christian believers during this period, as a rule, refuse from excesses in food and entertainment. The main purpose of fasting is to cleanse the body and soul, to beg repentance before God.

The modern Church is not relevant to the post too harshly, realizing that the test to withstand the forces is not for everyone. If a person learns and works, needs power, that rules not as strict. There may be some digressions, but should still be remembered that any food restrictions for the body are the stress. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Will have to give up meat, eggs and milk, cigarettes and alcohol, sweets. Fish can be eaten only at the Annunciation (April 7) and palm Sunday (April 24). To eat only once a day on weekdays, at the weekend allowed to eat food two times a day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday eating food cold, without butter. On Tuesdays and Fridays you can eat hot food without oil. On Saturdays and Sundays is allowed to add vegetable oil in food and drink wine. Good Friday is, in principle, to refrain from eating.

If you are determined to fast, you should plan well in advance. Experts told how to prepare the body to limitations in the food so that he felt a minimum of stress. Remember that the main purpose of fasting is purification of the soul, so if you have no opportunity to observe food restrictions, just do good deeds and help loved ones!

Create a menu

Despite the fact that food you can not eat dairy and meat products, there is a large amount of food that is allowed in a post. Create a menu in advance, so that the thoughts about hunger didn’t hit you off the track. Not necessarily to prescribe what and in what sequence you eat every day. Just purchase all the necessary products that they had on hand.

In the post resolved: bread and grains, cereals, pickles and pickled vegetables, jam from berries and fruits, mushrooms, legumes, dried fruits, nuts and honey, seasonal vegetables and fruits, seafood and fish (in limited quantities).


As a rule, heavy from the monotony. If every day you cook the oatmeal, then very soon you and look at it you can not. On the Internet today you can find a huge number of meatless recipes for all occasions. Make your selection now and try to cook meatless meals. First, you identify the most successful and delicious meals, and secondly, you will start to get used to the lean food.

Many are baffled, because they believe that fasting is a solid bread and water. This is not so. The list of allowed foods is quite extensive. If to include imagination and to show their culinary skills, you can come up with a large number of tasty and delicious, but meatless dishes.

Get used to it

Now you should abandon is expressly prohibited to post products or to minimize their quantity in your diet. If you drink milk every day, then it is obvious that you will be hard instantly remove it from your diet.

Reduce portions, so that the stomach is accustomed to what you give him less food and take it for granted, and not as an emergency. The portions should be cut back gradually. Do not try immediately to limit your diet to one meal. You to eat then for a long time. Remember that all you need to know the measure.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drink more water. It perfectly cleanses the body, removes toxins and even saturates. Sometimes the feeling of hunger we mistakenly confuse thirst. This has been proven by scientific research.

A couple of weeks before the post you just acquire a new habit. If you drink enough water and you reach for another glass without reminders, and post you will be able to keep better.

Look for alternatives

Meat and dairy products contains large amount of protein. If they are in the post to use is not allowed, it is necessary to find alternative sources of protein that the body did not feel an acute shortage of this nutrient.

To help you come beans. The concentration of gluten in their composition is quite high, so they can safely compete with the meat. Legumes before cooking it soak overnight in water so they are a bit softened, and the cooking process didn’t take long.

Consult your doctor

Lent is an important event in the life of every believer, but do not forget about common sense. Consult your physician before fasting, especially if you do it the first time. If you have contraindications to lean nutrition, such a diet will be the only source of additional problems and diseases, but not cleansing.

See also:

Any priest will tell you that in the presence of contraindications, you can use the lighter version of the post, refusing only the obvious excesses such as alcohol, sweets and fatty foods. Much more important during this period not to be angry, to do good deeds and meditate.

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