Tell how at home quickly to get rid of bruises.
Every person faced with this problem more than once: bruising can occur from any negligent acts.
Even a mild shock can manifest an ugly stain on the body. How to quickly get rid of a bruise?
Unfortunately, instant funds from bruises does not exist. If the bruise appeared, it will take some time in order to be rid of him. However, if you start to act quickly, you can prevent it from occurring.
The most effective folk remedy for bruises, of course, cold. We are familiar with in this way since childhood, when our moms got something frozen from the freezer and applied to our broken noses and knees. How to use cold?
It does not matter how cold you use: if there is ice, use it. If there’s no ice – you can use any well chilled subject which is at hand: cold coin or spoon, pack with cold water or a bag of tortillas from the freezer will fulfill its mission not worse. If there is a market, it is necessary in the beginning to handle it and put a bandage, then apply cold.
A cold compress should be removed in 20 minutes. If you are uncomfortable exposure to cold during such a long time, take a break every 2-3 minutes and remove the compress for 1 minute.
It is important to remember that within 2-4 hours after injury ice will not help to prevent the appearance of a bruise.
If the cold did not help and the bruise is still there, you can use warm, warming gels, ointment, warm bath or heating pad will help to get rid of the existing bruises. It is important to remember that to start treatment of a bruise, the heat can not earlier than the day after its appearance.
If you will use the heat early, you risk getting the opposite effect from what is expected.
Every woman has in its Arsenal of vinegar, but not everyone knows that it is used as a means to combat the bruising. In order to get rid of bruises with vinegar, you need to mix 250 g of 9% vinegar with 5 grams of salt. Moisten the mixture with a cotton swab and apply to the injury site.
The real stuff
Entanglement is one of the oldest and budget from bruises. Concoctions can be purchased over the counter in the form of an ointment, gel or powder. Remember that slop to use in the eye area so as not to cause irritation and allergic reaction.
Fresh-water sponge it is necessary to apply since the first day after the injury.
Traditional iodine mesh can be used to treat bruises not earlier than the second or third day after injury. On the face of this tool cannot be used.
In order for the effect of the use of iodine mesh was better, should be applied to the grid not only the surface of the hematoma, but also on the area around her.
In order to get rid of a bruise, you can use the tincture of calendula. You can buy it in a pharmacy or make yourself by insisting 20 g calendula per 100 ml of alcohol in two weeks. Use the infusion as a lotion and compresses.
Cabbage leaves should be lightly beat until the juice and apply to the injury site immediately after injury. Also, cabbage leaves can be used for the entire healing time.
Capsicum plaster
From the already existing bruise will help the pepper patch. However, it should be remembered that in the first days after injury to use it.
Rosemary oil
Essential oils are also effective for the treatment of bruises. Rosemary oil due to its natural properties suited for this purpose most. Also its use can be combined with other methods of treatment.
For the treatment of bruises used Heparin ointment, Caffeine, Arnica, Rescue, Bruise-off, etc. it Should be remembered that each of these tools there are a number of contraindications that must be considered.
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