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Cleansing diet for 15 days

Очищающая диета на 15 днейSpring body cleansing is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.

To reduce the volume of the body, especially in the waist area — one of the main goals of those who cares not only about her figure but also about health.

Fat deposition on the abdomen apply to absolutely everyone: people suffering from excess weight, and even the most skinny. Because of this, many feel a strong disappointment when even the most strict diet results.

The experts proposed a solution to this difficult problem. Discover the 15-day cleansing diet that helps you lose weight in waist and clean your body without harm for health.

Diet and its key moments

In order for this diet to be effective and you really managed to lose a few sizes in the waist in 15 days, you must consider several essential factors.

After this time you can continue to follow healthy eating habits, and then the fat will gradually melt and melt, eyes. This will allow you to keep the results and prevent unwanted weight gain.

1. Healthy fats

Not all fats are equally bad for our body. Moreover, the so-called “healthy” fats, it is simply necessary for the correct operation of all systems and activation of metabolism (metabolic processes), which is responsible for burning calories.

If you choose the harmful fats, such as pastries, fried foods, margarine, sausages, etc., then get better very quickly, and we can assure you that in the first place the fat will be deposited in the abdomen.

But the fats that should be included in your diet:

Coconut and olive oil cold pressed.
Nuts and seeds (raw and without salt).
Egg yolk.
Fatty fish.

2. Proteins of high quality

Yes, consumption of protein greatly helps us to reduce the volume of the body in the waist area. That is why have recently become so popular “protein diet”, which, however, also has some nuances.

You can’t, for example, abuse of animal proteins, as this can adversely affect the liver and kidneys.

Eggs and fish should be consumed in moderation, and try to increase the consumption of proteins of vegetable origin, such as:

Nuts and seeds.

3. To reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates

Admit it, in recent times we have abused refined carbohydrates. It’s bread, pastries, pizza, pasta, etc.

All these products do not contain fiber (dietary fiber), cause bloating, constipation and weight gain, which of course only complicates our task to make your waist slimmer.

So try to get out of this, or at least minimize consumption of these products, giving preference (whenever possible) cereals, whole wheat flour and different cereals (buckwheat, Kamut, etc.).

4. Avoid sugar and alcohol

These are the two main obstacles on the way to a slim waist. Sugar and alcohol should be eliminated from your diet, like fizzy drinks.

If you manage to do this, you will immediately notice a positive trend (especially those who are accustomed to indulge yourself with something sweet every day).

5. Increase consumption of vegetables

Any balanced cleansing diet involves a wide variety of vegetables. They can be eaten as raw (salads) and cooked (boiled, stewed or steamed or grilled).

No less important in the diet and fruit, but also don’t overdo them, remember: it is important to know all measure. Because most contain sugar of natural origin (fructose), and it can also hamper the fight against obesity.

6. Tidy up your hormones

In some cases, the perpetrators of the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal area are hormonal.

If you suspect yourself to have a hormonal imbalance (painful menstruation, menopause, etc.), you can include in your diet some sort of dietary Supplement is capable to regulate the production of hormones in your body, for example, to Mac.

Maca is a tuber originally from the Andes. In addition to the ability to regulate hormone production in men and women, this root is credited with the following properties: the body’s energy, improving the health of skin and hair, as well as increasing libido.

Reduce the waist in 15 days


Here are a few options for a healthy Breakfast:

Green smoothies with fresh vegetables, fruit and Maca root, olive oil (virgen extra).
Oatmeal with cinnamon and nuts, and vegetable drink.
Toasted whole wheat bread with melted butter and pureed berries (jam without sugar).
An omelette and a sandwich (whole wheat bread and avocados).


Your lunch should consist of three courses:
Salad with seeds and sprouts.
Portion of carbohydrates: whole grain bread, pasta from durum wheat, potatoes, quinoa, millet, etc.
A portion of protein: meat, fish, eggs or legumes.

Dinner should be always lighter than lunch. If you eat at night, forgetting about the diet, the weight will increase.

Recommend that your dinner consisted of:
Vegetables: stewed, steamed, in a cream soup.
Easily digestible protein: white fish, poultry, egg or avocado.
Fruit: Apple, pear, pineapple or papaya.

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