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These sea monsters scare the most desperate daredevils. Photo

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In the seas and oceans are home to the most unusual and alien beings on Earth. And some of them look very scary.

1. Fish-frog. Found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans on the muddy or sandy bottom, sometimes burying him in the eyes. Some members of the family Zapovednaya fish have poisonous spines and are a danger to bathers. (Photo ALAMY):

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2. This beauty’s name is fish-drop, and she lives only in Australia. Deep-water benthic marine fish of the family psychrolutidae, which because of its unattractive appearance is often called one of the most bizarre ocean deep-water fish on the planet. The structure of the front of the head gives the impression that the fish are constantly frowns and is unhappy “facial expression” which the fish occupies the first place in the rankings of the most bizarre creatures in surveys on the Internet. (Photo REX FEATURES):

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3. Striped wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), or as it is called “Atlantic wolf” is usually found in cold deep waters. Interestingly, the teeth of the “Atlantic wolf” quickly wear out, but every year during cold weather old teeth fall out, and in their place appear new. (Photo ALAMY):

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4. The coelacanth is a living fossil fish that have reached us from ancient times. It has hardly changed since prehistoric period. (Photo ALAMY):

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5. Fish is a toad. This sedentary benthic fish that have a thick flattened head and laterally compressed tails. A wide mouth, large, with numerous sharp teeth. (Photo ALAMY):

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6. Predatory fish monkfish or European monkfish. The name of this species was due to a very unattractive appearance. Body length up to 2 meters, often 1-1. 5 meters. Weight — up to 20 or more pounds. (Photo ALAMY):

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It has a large mouth in the shape of a semicircle with a protruding lower jaw and sharp hooked teeth. From another angle:

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7. Moray-Viper — one of the species of marine eels. Typically, morays feed on fish, but will attack and crustaceans, and octopus, which are caught from ambush, with an arrow jumping out of their hiding places and grabbing passing prey. (Photo ALAMY):

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8. Get ready…the Fish-Stargazer. The European Stargazer got its name from the eyes, located above and contiguous among themselves, which are constantly built as if to the sky. Has poisonous spines on the pectoral fins behind the Gill covers, are a danger to bathers. (Photo ALAMY):

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9. Fish flying mouse squad udenstvertne or sea devils. Live in subtropical and tropical seas, at the bottom, usually at depths of up to 100 m. (Photo by ALAMY):

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10. Such a person may love only a mother… a viperfish. The scientific name comes from the Greek words Chaulios — open mouth and Odus — a tooth. A viperfish, with the objective of Kosovo open mouth with frightening teeth have long gained worldwide fame, despite the fact that its size does not exceed 35 cm After the victim comes close to his mouth, the mouth of a fish-the Viper tilts back, which allows it to capture prey exceeding the thickness of the predator 3 times. The teeth in the process of hunting play a major role: although they are not designed to kill prey, but serve to keep the predator on the victim’s body. See also the article “Most unusual buildings.” (Photo ALAMY):
A viperfish

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