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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have discovered the skull of the oldest European

Scientists have discovered the skull of the oldest European

Ученые обнаружили череп древнейшего европейцаThe floor at the moment to determine so far failed.

In Portugal found a fragment of an ancient skull with a human touch.

Archaeologists have estimated its age of 400 thousand years. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

The discovery of the caves of Aroeira has become the most ancient human remains found in the territory of Portugal. Scientists using computer simulations recreated fragment of the missing part of the skull and on a number of grounds determined that it is similar to the skull of a Neanderthal. The floor at the moment to determine so far failed.

Near the part of the skull were found several teeth and bones of animals and stone tools belonging to the Acheulian culture. It sharpened stones, with which the ancient people was hunting.

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