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Robot taught to catch dangerous mosquitoes

Робота научили ловить опасных комаровMicrosoft made drone capable of catching mosquitoes with dangerous viruses.

Microsoft has developed an unmanned aerial robot Project, called Premonition, who knows how to catch mosquitoes. It will help scientists to detect the presence of insects inside of these dangerous viruses and bacteria.

The results of experiments published in the scientific conference held in Boston.

This robot catches not all mosquitoes, but only those who behave in a certain way. Scientists with it will be to recognize the virus, zika or West Nile, so will be forewarned health professionals and the public about possible epidemic in the near future. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Such drones as hope Microsoft will soon be flying across the sky over cities and to monitor the state of the environment.

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