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Home / INCREDIBLE / Proved the impossibility of the appearance of mercury in the Solar system

Proved the impossibility of the appearance of mercury in the Solar system

Доказана невозможность появления Меркурия в Солнечной системеThe formation nearest to the sun planet, the specialists considered it unlikely event.

Japanese scientists simulated the birth of mercury in the conditions of the early Solar system. The formation nearest to the sun planet, the specialists considered it unlikely event. Preprint of the study is available in edition “”.

Astronomers have spent 110 runs of the model, involving the formation of the protoplanetary disk around the Sun of the celestial bodies terrestrial. In the framework of the problem of N bodies it was used by more than one hundred nuclei of the planets and about six thousand planetesimals. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In most of the runs were able to reproduce the birth of Venus and Earth. Mercury and Mars were formed only in nine cases.

As a rule, the nearest to the sun planet formed at the distance is 0.27-0.34 astronomical units from the star, had a small eccentricity (describing the elongation of the orbit parameter) and was lighter than the Earth by about five times. On the formation of the planet basically took the matter of embryos, the birth of a celestial body took ten million years.

Mercury is easier and less Land is about 20 times. The average density of he is about the same as the Blue planet. A year on mercury lasts 88 days. From other planets of the Solar system mercury has a large metallic core accounts for 85 percent of the radius of this celestial body. For comparison, the Earth’s core accounts for only half of its radius. Unlike Venus and Mars, mercury, like Earth, has its own magnetosphere.

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