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Ukrainians have suggested, will come when the astrological spring

Украинцам подсказали, когда наступит астрологическая веснаThe vernal equinox can also be called as the beginning of astronomical spring.

The vernal equinox is a ritual day for many peoples and religions of the world, which is known since ancient times. This is the day when nature awakes from its winter sleep, a day of balance between light and darkness, after which the light takes over. Many ancient peoples, the year was counted from spring, so spring rites – in some regard and Christmas. That symbolizes the day of the vernal equinox and when it will come in 2017.

The holiday is associated with spring, awakening of the earth, the first herbs and flowers, the first SAP flow of the trees, the first shoots in the fields, the beginning of agricultural activities. With this as Slavic, Germanic and Celtic holidays. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

The festival symbolized the victory of spring over winter chill. People and animals in this calendar period were mainly purified from the “abomination of winter”, from the breath of death that could touch them, while winter rules the world (smoke, jumping through fire, throwing fire arrows, fire and wheels, pouring water) and held a variety of ritual acts designed to protect them from disease.

In ancient times the vernal equinox and the Slavs, and many other Nations fell in the New year. However, now the change of year (not calendar) falls at the vernal equinox in countries such as Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran and Afghanistan.

When the Day of the vernal equinox?

Date of spring equinox is unique. So, between the two spring and two autumn equinoxes are called “tropical year”. In each tropical year of about 365 days. Due to the fact that the number of days may be slightly more or less (for example, in a leap year), the day must come on the spring equinox, each year have to be calculated again.

The day of the vernal equinox in 2017 – 20 March. To be exact, the vernal equinox will happen in 9 hours 29 minutes Moscow time. GMT it will be 7 hours 30 minutes 20 March 2016.

It can still be called astronomical spring. 20 Mar day out for the duration with the night. That is, during this period, day and night divided day at 12 o’clock, and the Sun illuminates exactly half of the two hemispheres of the globe. On Earth continues its movement and exactly six months later, namely on 22 September, the day of the autumnal equinox, which is accordingly called the astronomical autumn.

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