The alienation of the product of scientific work A commodity under capitalism is not only the working power of the scientist, but the product of his labor, in our case information. In the scientific world the most common form of expression of new knowledge is the scientific article. It was …
Read More »Essay on the scientific proletariat. Part 1
“The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation, which until then were considered honored and looked up to with reverent awe. The doctor, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science it was turned into its paid wage laborers.” The Communist Manifesto “Scientists say more about money …
Read More »The scientific journal withdrew the controversial article about the attractiveness of women with heels
Chief editor of the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior withdrew it published almost five years ago a scientific article under the title “High heels increase the attractiveness of women.” The journal specified that article by the French author Nicolas Gegana was withdrawn at the request of the University of South …
Read More »Reminds of my scientific Savior
A testimony of a talented Professor LETI Lev Danilov. The Material Of Chapter 1.1. was not great engineering importance, but in the thesis was seen as heretical his attempt on the inviolability of the established theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. So kindly referred to me, workaholic and experienced schemer …
Read More »Scientific discoveries that appear to their creators
Since ancient times, mankind was treated to dreams, as something mystical. Dreams that are repeated past events, people could still interpret from the point of view of experienced emotions. But the nature of dreams in which people saw what was happening over a period of time to accurately explain one …
Read More »10 scientific facts that we learned from the first pictures of a black hole
The idea of black holes dates back to 1783, when the Cambridge scholar John Michell realized that a sufficiently massive object in a sufficiently small space can attract even light, preventing him from escaping. Over a century later, Karl Schwarzschild found an exact solution for the General theory of relativity, …
Read More »And popular are scientific and technical tasks
Daring. London Semyon Efimovich. Our student Trinity our scientific chief Branch created and nurtured в1965 year, especially for transfer in their fiefdom – all-Union research Institute for power radiobuilding Comintern. And we could not imagine a more prestigious work place than the Inbox. When I was offered to write a …
Read More »MEG: scientific blunders
When Peter Perminov – the person who understands the monsters of the deep like no other, because it is not only a fan of horror, but also a marine biologist. Went yesterday with my wife on a”Monster of the deep”. Liked. In the middle of the film, however, a bit …
Read More »WMR500 Oregon Scientific professional weather station for home
On a bribe in $500 000 detained the Director of the scientific Institute
Officials in collusion with the assistant allegedly demanded a bribe of $500 thousand for transfer to the National Academy of agrarian Sciences. Detectives of the National anti-corruption Bureau had exposed and arrested immediately after receiving part of a bribe ($300 thousand), Director of one of the research institutions and his …
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