A 7.3-magnitude earthquake has struck off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, disrupting power service to millions of homes in the Tokyo area and raising fears of a potential tsunami in the same region where a 2011 wave led to nuclear reactor meltdowns. The quake hit at 11:36 p.m. local time …
Read More »Nuclear watchdog will get Fukushima water checked
Some 50 liters of treated water used to cool down the Fukushima melted nuclear reactors will be sent for analysis to “independent” laboratories in Austria and Monaco, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a statement on Friday. The announcement follows a five-day IAEA inspection of the site. The …
Read More »Cancer patients sue company behind Fukushima radiation
Six people were children living near the Fukushima nuclear power plant at the time of the 2011 disaster, when the facility was heavily damaged in an earthquake and subsequent tsunami. The plaintiffs have since developed thyroid cancer, blaming radiation that seeped from the power plant for their condition. “Some plaintiffs …
Read More »‘Don’t learn from ostriches’: Beijing tells Tokyo not to bury its head in the sand over Fukushima wastewater row
Speaking on Friday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin reiterated China’s position that the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea is a matter concerning all countries and not just Japan. Wang stated that the international community has generally expressed strong concerns about the possible impact of Japan’s actions but the …
Read More »Beijing tells Japanese politicians to drink Fukushima’s wastewater to prove it’s safe before they dump it into the ocean
Speaking on Thursday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian reinforced Beijing’s opposition to Tokyo’s decision to dump more than one million tons of “treated” nuclear wastewater into the ocean. “Japan’s claims that the safety of nuclear wastewater relies only on unilaterally obtained data, which is completely unconvincing… The Tokyo Electric …
Read More »Beijing slams Japan’s plan for radioactive Fukushima water as ‘extremely irresponsible’
“Japan has not exhausted safe disposal methods, regardless of domestic and foreign questions and opposition,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday, calling the decision by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s government to release a million-plus tons of wastewater into the ocean “extremely irresponsible.” This will “seriously damage international public health …
Read More »Japanese government says it WILL release irradiated water from Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced the move in Tokyo, on Tuesday morning local time. He had previously called the release “unavoidable” given the amount of accumulated water over the past decade. The Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in the Fukushima prefecture suffered a meltdown after being struck by a 9.0 magnitude …
Read More »Dumping of Fukushima radioactive water into ocean ‘unavoidable’, Japanese PM says, as country’s fisheries reject plan
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga met with the head of the National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations, Hiroshi Kishi, on Wednesday, discussing the options for disposing of the radioactive waters – described by the government as “treated” – that have accumulated in storage tanks around the nuclear power plant. The …
Read More »Tokyo & Fukushima shaken hard as powerful 7+ earthquake strikes off Japan’s east coast
Several seismological agencies have put the magnitude of the quake, which hit east of Japan’s largest island of Honshu, at 7.0 or higher. It was also registered as the highest possible on the local Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Scale. A 7 quake in Japan indicates a violent, heavy earthquake …
Read More »Japan expected to dump over 1 MILLION TONS of radioactive Fukushima water into Pacific, fishermen fear ‘catastrophic impact’
Japan has debated what to do with the rapidly increasing store of radioactive wastewater for years, and now the decision to release it into the ocean could be confirmed by the end of the month. Currently, Japan houses the water in more than 1,000 tanks, but with 170 additional tons …
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