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Home / INCREDIBLE / Scientists have made a loud statement about the tomb of Tutankhamun

Scientists have made a loud statement about the tomb of Tutankhamun

Ученые сделали громкое заявление о гробнице ТутанхамонаItalian scientists began the search for Nefertiti in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Archaeologists and physicists from the University of Turin began to study the walls in Tutankhamun’s tomb, behind which may hide the secret room with the remains of the legendary Nefertiti and other ancient pharaohs.

About it reports the Ministry of monuments and antiquities of Egypt.

“Previous attempts to find a room gave conflicting and incomplete results. We will do our measurements positive or negative, will close this complex and important issue. We will either co-authors of the discovery of the century or prophetic disappointment of the century,” said Portelli Franco (Franco Porcelli) from the University of Turin (Italy).

In early August 2015, the British historian and archaeologist Nicholas Reeves and published on the website potentially sensational article in which he suggested, based on HD images of the walls of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the valley of the Kings that one of them must hide the secret tomb of Queen Nefertiti, his foster mother and wife of the Pharaoh-reformer Amenhotep.

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