Ford puts great hopes on the market of crossovers.
Moreover, the American company will release the first SUV to electric ones by 2020.
New electric car will have autonomy to drive 500 kilometers.
After U.S. car manufacturer Ford announced earlier this year its plan for the electrification of the range cars, the company once again confirmed the intention of the press release, which says that the market crossover plays an important role in the development of the company.
Moreover, according to the publication Ford officially confirms the appearance of the electric crossover with the autonomy to drive 480 miles.
According to the American manufacturer, the current generation of young people — the so-called “Millenials,” people aged between 17 and 34 years — I prefer the eco-friendly crossovers.
According to the statistics of 2016, sales of SUVs in the European market grew by 21%, which accounted for nearly a quarter of new car sales. At the same time, sales of crossovers Ford (EcoSport, Kuga and Edge) increased by 31%.
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