It is considered that winter is the hardest time for motorists and their cars.
Therefore, many car owners, glad that the iron horse without interruption otezdil winter, pay little attention to the preparation of the machine to the onset of spring.
In the spring the car is more likely to corrode metal, in addition, after heavy winter loads would be quite superfluous to go through the diagnostics in the service station.
We should start with a replacement winter tires in the summer. Then thoroughly wash not only the outside but also inside car and in trunk. During the winter dirt, salt and water can penetrate into the most inaccessible places of the car, so the sink will need to pursue carefully.
Don’t forget to pull all the mats, because the winter under them could accumulate water. After a treatment the car needs a good dry and a few days to ride with the included stove directing the air flow in the legs.
Test the windshield wipers and headlights, easy on the eye, and after some time their work.
Change the fuel filter, although it would be better to flush the fuel line, but it’s too time consuming and expensive.
After drying the car, inspect it carefully for chips and scratches paint and protective coatings. If need be, make a point the tint, apply the Polish to fix the result will help special silicone composition.
RUB the petroleum jelly rubber gaskets of the doors.
Having finished bathing and polishing procedures, you can proceed to the diagnosis of the insides of the car.
The battery need to charge the maximum, pour distilled water, you may need to check the level of electrolyte.
If in winter the car is well agitated and the oil is filled with quality and haven’t got the time to change in the spring, can not carry out the replacement of oil and candles.
The engine does not need to be washed, limit his inspection of leakage of oil and wipe with a dry cloth, if the engine is wet and oily, consult a mechanic.
Not only in the spring and once a month to check the level of brake fluid, oil, antifreeze, etc. Pay attention to the color remaining in the liquid vehicle, if the antifreeze is brown, and was originally filled with blue, you need to completely replace, and not add liquid.
You need to check all of the suspension and the anthers, if necessary, replace damaged, so that later do not have to spend money on a replacement node.
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