Woman brutally murdered.
In one of the villages in the Rivne region from beating pregnant woman died 32-the summer woman. Her to death were muzzled by her husband.
About this Timeline.info reported in Department of communications Department of National police in the Rivne region.
The police arrested the monster. It turned out that the day before, the 32-year-old woman was visiting his friend, where, drinking.
35-year-old common-law husband, with whom she lived for six years, knowing where the woman went after her. But found her sleepy after the feast. Trying to pick up, struck her several blows with the hand on the head.
On the way home the quarrel continued, and the roommate added more kicks. Waking up in the morning, saw a woman unconscious with bruises on her face and called the medics.
But in order to save the woman failed. To the criminal threatens from seven till ten years of prison.
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