“Apocalypse” is the final expansion for Battlefield 1 and includes five maps for multiplayer.
Electronic Arts continues the tradition of free distribution of supplements to the Battlefield. At this time, the company offers owners of the 1 shooter Battlefield get DLC “Apocalypse” (Apocalypse), and those who have a copy of Battlefield 4, have free download add-on “Rise of China” (China Rising) and “Sea Strike” (Naval Strike).
“Apocalypse” is the final expansion for Battlefield 1 and contains five multiplayer maps (“Pashendale”, “Caporetto”, “Somme”, “London calls” and “razor Blade”). The release of this DLC, we recall, took place in early spring. Meanwhile, the “Rise of China” and “Naval Strike” Battlefield 4 contain four multiplayer maps, new modes, vehicles, weapons and much more.
Action on the distribution of free add-ons for the above games are timed to the upcoming release of shooter Battlefield V, which will be released October 19 on PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. Free to download additional game content for Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 4 to 6 August.
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