It took about three to four million years to the protoplanetary disk formed the largest gas giants.
American and Brazilian astronomers have estimated the lifetime of the Solar protoplanetary disk, the dust cloud around the sun, from which later emerged the same system. A study published in the journal Science.
It took about three to four million years to the protoplanetary disk formed the largest gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, and took the current position in the Solar system.
To their conclusions the authors came to after analyzing the four ancient meteorites (angrites) formed 4,653 billion years ago. Specimens found on the territory of modern Argentina and Brazil, as well as Antarctica and the Sahara.
The authors found in meteorites remanence that could be created in an environment with magnetic field of 0.6 microtesla. Which is approximately the value it should have when the Solar system was three to four million years.
Previous estimates of the lifetime of the Solar protoplanetary disk ranged from one to ten million years.
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