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Astrophysicist explained the reasons for the starbursts

Астрофизик объяснил причины звездопадовThrough the Solar system comets often fly in different sizes, most notably just in the last month of summer.

Russian astrophysicist Valery Shematovich told about meteor showers, constellation Perseus, which means the falling of the stars.

The scientist noted that a meteor shower occurs about 12 to 14 August of each year.

Head of research Department, Solar Institute of astronomy Valery Shematovich said that the falling stars is a beautiful volume, which describes an optical phenomenon that happened as a result of the occurrence of a meteor shower in the atmosphere. Also, this phenomenon is called meteor shower. On the territory of the Russian Federation it is most common in the Northern latitudes, approximately in August. The term “falling star” according to the scientist, this traces from comets that fly past the Earth. Through the Solar system comets often fly in different sizes, most notably just in the last month of summer.

Valery Shematovich says that every year can happen the millions of meteor streams, but not all are able to be reborn in meteor showers. The most powerful in this thread is the constellation Perseus. The comet of Perseus, when approaching the Solar system, become very hot and dissipate into interplanetary space small particles of ice and dust, thus forming dust plume and the phenomenon of free fall.

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