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The inhabitants of the Dnieper caught rare fish

Жители Днепра поймали редкую рыбуThe lamprey is considered a delicacy.

In the river anglers fished the Ukrainian lamprey, which has not been seen for 30 years.

This fish belongs to the endangered species and listed in the Red book.

The lamprey looks scary: slimy snake-like body without scales, three eyes, creepy mouth, resembling a suction Cup, armed with Horny teeth and hooks.

“Ukrainian lamprey in waters has a limited distribution: it is found in the lower reaches of the river Samara and the Samara Bay of the Dnieper (Zaporozhie) reservoir, also noted its presence in the river Orel. The shallowing and sedimentation of the rivers has deprived these ancient “fish-like” natural spawning grounds, so they are extremely rare. However, in the summer of 2016, we were told, caught two lampreys in the Samara Bay,” – said ichthyologist Oleg morenkov.

No danger to humans, the lamprey is not. Moreover, the lamprey is considered a delicacy.

However, to try its meat, tastes like chicken, because of the frightening appearance not everyone dares.

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