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The arrest of a shopping center in Kiev: new details

Арест торгового центра в Киеве: новые подробностиThe owners of the Caravan are preparing a statement to the Prosecutor due to illegal seizure of the capital malls.

PJSC “Lex holding” the ownership of which is the capital of the TEC “Caravan, is going to challenge the arrest on the property imposed by the Goloseevsky district court of Kiev on the request of the Bank “VTB” (Russian Federation).

As previously reported, the root cause of the situation is the refusal of “VTB” from the agreed by the parties to the format of extension (restructuring) debt. Using as a pretext the actions of VDVS to recover the fine, which was filed company GASK, the Bank initiated court proceedings.

Currently, PJSC “Lex holding” the court opened proceedings in the bankruptcy case. Accordingly, the company under current law has no right to pay debts. The law of Ukraine “On restoring debtor’s solvency or declaring bankruptcy” provides that from the moment of institution of proceedings on bankruptcy arrest of debtor’s property or other restrictions of the debtor under the order property belonging to it can be used exclusively by the economic court within the framework of proceedings on bankruptcy. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

As reported by the legal representatives “Lex holding the”: “is Now in bankruptcy proceedings, which involves a number of limitations, including the mode control and disposition of property. Which means that the action of Goloseevsky court of Kiev contain signs of crimes specified in articles 364, 375 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. In addition, peculiarities of conduct of the Bank “VTB” in the course of litigation induce experts to think about the intention to seize the property, “Lex holding”

Currently, the representatives of PJSC “Lex holding” prepare a corresponding application to the Prosecutor’s office of Kyiv, which monitors law enforcement agencies and is authorized to carry out checks of criminal proceedings and their reclamation.

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