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Stereotypes about the different countries in which almost all believe. Photo

Стереотипы о разных странах, в которые почти все верят. ФотоIt’s time to say goodbye to them.

Stereotypes have been living in our subconscious, and parting with them is not so simple. But we still try.

We have collected the most popular stereotypes that immediately come to mind at the mention of a particular country. But it turned out that they are very old, and even never was true. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Bullfighting is the main and favourite sport of the Spaniards

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The Spaniards would not like this opinion, because, first, favorite sport is football, and bullfighting is no sport. It really is of great importance for the country, but as a historical legacy of the past.

Annual surveys show that more than 60 % of Spaniards are opposed to bullfighting and meaningless cruelty. But to speak out for a ban solved less than 40 %. In many areas of the country, bullfighting is prohibited, in particular, in Catalonia, it is not carried out since 2011. And in those areas where bullfighting is still allowed, the Spaniards are “voting with their feet” — visit declined sharply, and the government has cut funding.

“Oatmeal, sir!” and five o’clock

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Traditional English Breakfast — it’s not porridge. Actually it includes scrambled eggs, sausage, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, and for those who survived, toast with salted butter. The myth of the Bunting stretches from the XX century, when Scottish oatmeal was exported in an attractive package.

As for the tea, that proverbial five o’clock has long been not observed. It can be served to tourists at a cafe or become part of the senior reception. In everyday life the British do not love tea, but coffee is loved no less. And if tea is more of a home drink, cafe Englishman would rather order a coffee.

The most popular dish — sushi

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The fact that the Japanese don’t eat sushi in the form of the usual rolls, the rest of the world has already learned. Rice with fish is a traditional type of sushi for Japanese, and loved by many the California roll if they are throughout the vast country, the only tourist facilities. Although the thought of it still Japanese. In 1973, Ichiro Mashita, chef of the restaurant Tokyo Kaikan in Los Angeles, decided to popularize sushi in America, and it succeeded!

But the fact that sushi is actually a rare guest at the table of the average Japanese, to take difficult. The most popular dish in Japan, ramen noodles. This soup most Japanese prefer to eat even for Breakfast. After all, the morning should start with a hearty meal!

All the Dutch are like intoxicating substances in the country drugs

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Dutch people think exactly the opposite, especially in Amsterdam — all the tourists come here for the weed and affordable pleasures. But only about 5.4 % of the population regularly intoxicate yourself, which is below the average for Europe is 6.8 %. And many Dutch generally consider it below their dignity to smoke pot. The Dutch fanatically concerned about their health, and keep yourself in shape to help the availability of bikes and Jogging.

You should not believe in the myth of “permissiveness” for storage and distribution of drugs here carry the same severe punishment, as in other countries. The authorities clearly divided the concept of “heavy” and “light” drugs. Soft drugs are sold in specialized points, but the sale is strictly limited. Unlicensed sale of marijuana and hashish or possession of drugs in large sizes are also punishable by law.

Carlson is the most famous fairy tale character

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Carlson is a popular fairy tale character outside of Sweden, and many tourists coming into the country, hoping to find Souvenirs with him every step of the way. But there it was. The Swedes don’t like Carlson for a bad temper and I think he sets a bad example to children. But in Sweden I love Pippi Longstocking, a cheerful and kind girl. All the characters of Astrid Lindgren can be seen in the Museum Junibacken.

In Runet is still possible to come across false information, which caught the tourists — that house Carlson is on the roof of the former house of the writer. It is not there and never was, and a photo of the house taken in one of the courtyards of St. Petersburg.

The country’s capital — Sydney

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Major cities of Australia all confusing, and to call the capital of the country not everyone can. Sydney and Melbourne eclipsed Canberra, but the capital is this city.

Another common judgment about Australia — it’s always summer there, and a lot of dangerous and poisonous creatures. But the climate here is for everyone in Australia 6 climate zones, and in certain areas of the country is perceptibly cold — about 0 °C.

Poisonous creatures, of course, live in Australia, but their danger to humans is exaggerated. For a spider bite nobody has been killed since 1979, and the threat of shellfish — geographical cone — still need to look.

Poor and dangerous country

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Thanks to the American films we represent Mexico rather suspicious and poor country, where drug traffickers are operating.Relatively dangerous regions do exist in Mexico, mostly on the border with the United States.

The greater part of Mexico and its resorts are very accommodating and the residents are good-natured. With regard to the welfare of the country, he is the envy of many Americans. In some areas of Mexico the standard of living and social security for a long time ahead of US. Therefore, a new trend — some retired Americans trying to move to Mexico: pensions is much higher and the taxes are less.

Estonians are sluggish and slow to speak

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The rhythm of life in small Estonia really is quite measured, but this does not mean that Estonians are slow. They simply will not rush headlong into everyday life. As for the speech rate, by linguistic standards, they are more talkers. Estonians speak Finnish and faster at about the same pace as the Americans, and the feeling of slowness of speech arises because of the frequent double vowels in Estonian. They seem to divide the word into two parts, and the ear detects a pause in speech.

The French fans of exquisite dishes and don’t eat fast food

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Many French people are lean because pay great attention to meals and what they ate. In today’s world, it equally applies to all people looking for health, regardless of the country. But “virus food” in France they already have. If earlier the state is not welcomed and financed the opening of fast food restaurants, now in laws came relief. Statistics of recent years shows that the revenue of such restaurants is several times the profit of traditional institutions.

Continuous steppe and dangerous for travel

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For many people, Mongolia is a kind of white spot on the map: so little is known about it. And of course, travel to the remote steppes fraught with unpleasant adventures. Most of the country is occupied by steppes, and many Mongolians are still nomads. But big cities, especially the capital Ulan Bator, live a modern life, which is not too different from the rest of the world. The Mongols are not yet spoiled by tourists, so treat them as kindly as possible. Tours of the steppes is often accompanied by the conductors, but without them, the nomads are happy to show their way of life, treat and accommodate guests.

Always cold

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In the view of foreigners, far Canada is often associated with earflaps and bears.

Northern territory of Canada, constantly covered with snow, but 90 % of the population live in the South of the country, on the border with the United States. In this part of Canada all the four seasons are pronounced. Warm spring and hot summer — beautiful weather Canadians can enjoy to the fullest in Toronto and Montreal, for example, a summer temperature reaches +30 °C.

As for harsh winters, like the people of Vancouver rarely sees snow — winters are more rainy. For snow-welcome to Toronto and other cities, where winter is serious.

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