The utility poured tons of salt and sand, but the snow still won.
Snowfall yesterday again paralyzed the capital, the roads were kilometer-long traffic jams and public transport is Packed.
Fell ASLEEP. Heavy snow began in Kiev on Sunday evening, rained all night and Monday morning. In the end, the capital was covered with a 20 cm blanket of snow. In KCSA assure that cleaning roads, courtyards and sidewalks brought all the equipment and people. “Starting from 20:30 on 5 February, the “Kievatodora” continuously treated road network. And as of 8:30 February 6, the complex of works on clearing and treating roads from snow was held for the fifth time. But just two hours cleaned the road again covers the snow. During the day was used 1753 tons of salt and 1462 tons of sand-salt mixtures”, — reported in the KSCA. Also in order to relieve the capital in the morning has restricted the movement of trucks in Kiev.
10 POINTS. Despite all measures and efforts, the city was frozen at a maximum, 10-point jams, and before lunch it was recorded more than 80 accidents. According to the service “Yandex.Tube”, the long tube with a length of 10.4 km was recorded at 10:09. Stood Vatutina Ave., Moscow bridge, Bandera Ave, St. Teligi (from Mayakovskogo Ave. to str). 10:17 was marked tube with a length of 8.5 km on the highway Brest-Litovsk and Prospekt Pobedy (from the stop “Ukrchastotnadzor” Park “Nivki”). Tube for 6.4 km this morning on three areas. First — on the street, Blvd. Lesya Ukrainka, Basseinaya str., Bessarabskaya square, Blvd. Shevchenko, Victory square. Another covered Gagarina and Catholicity, the Paton bridge, Blvd. Friendship of Peoples, the street. Also stood Kablukova str., Naberezhno-Rybalska the seafront, the Havana bridge.
Autostore. Frozen in a huge traffic jam the street. Photo:
S. Pavlovsky
DID NOT FIT. Authorities have urged people to change from personal cars to public transport. But it also happened on the morning of the collapse. Stops on the hundreds of passengers who just couldn’t get into the salons. For example, the real pandemonium was on the light rail stations. “Stop, “gnat Yura” in the direction of the station. To leave, had to go to the opposite side, to get to the final “three” and from there to go to the station. And such was Poltava, about a hundred,” complained Alexander Mokienko.
In the snow captivity. Hundreds of people waited for the high-speed tram at the stop “gnat Yura” to go to the side of the station. Photo: A. Mokienko
Were overcrowded and platform orelectricity. “Kyivpastrans” warned that “ground transport is organized in a special mode of movement”. However, what kind of regime is not explained. Therefore, the residents sneered: “Perhaps the absence of any graphics.” “I left the car, wanted to go on the bus. In an hour, so it back to the Parking lot for the car” — says a resident of the Desnyansky district Igor Prikhodko.
He joked: “but pits not seen on the roads”
On the impotence of public utilities and transport to the elements, the citizens have traditionally responded with irony. Standing in traffic jams, amusing comments about the “snow Apocalypse” left the drivers: “But the pits on the roads is not seen”, “Guys, they say, in the subway there is no traffic”, “Time to make the penguin”, “it’s Snowing, the city stands”, “Snow days, you have to declare public holidays and weekends”, “10 points, and it’s not a rating for cleaning”.
There are new snow “photoshopped pics”. This time their hero became not only the capital’s mayor and workers of municipal services, but the meme-pet recent weeks “Idun” which “looks for” minibuses and spring.
“Idun” waiting for the bus. Photo: Social Networks
Under forecasts of weather forecasters, today and tomorrow in the capital are also expecting snow, but not as intense. The temperature drops to –10–12°C. Thursday will be even colder: at night promise to -20 °C, and 9–14°C.
Many already feel like spring. Photo: Social Networks
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