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Russia will not conclude with US a deal on Ukraine – Kremlin

Россия не будет заключать с США сделку по Украине, - КремльDmitry Peskov said that the fate of the people in the Donbass can not be the subject of the transaction.

The conflict in Ukraine cannot be the subject of a transaction between Russia and the United States. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov.

“Of course, it is unlikely that this internal conflict may be the subject of some deal,” said Sands and noted that “the subject of the transaction can not be the fate of people who live in the Donbass, and who are now de facto rejected by his own state.”

Peskov also said that he had no new information about the possible meeting of Putin and trump.

“While I have nothing to report, yet any specifics, no,” said he, answering the journalists ‘ question, in what stage is the preparation of the meeting of leaders of Russia and the United States.

When asked if such training, Peskov said: “It will be after we decide the format and timing”.

However, he expressed hope that in Moscow hope that the influence of Washington on Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements.

“It is hoped that Washington somehow use its influence to persuade Kiev has to fulfill its commitments in the implementation plan provisions of the Minsk agreements, as well as refraining from aggressive tactics of solving this problem”, – said Peskov.

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