So, friends, today will be a great and very interesting post on the topic of real life in the USSR — in the post will have many photos taken while travelling on the Union of American photographer Dean Conger. The pictures are very interesting in the first place so that they are all color — few Soviet citizens could afford at that time to remove color film and it was more foreign journalists. And secondly, as the forces and opportunities Dean Konger tried to capture the so to say “darker” side of Soviet life.
A few words about the photographer. Dean Conger was born in 1927 Casper, the second largest city in Wyoming. In the early stages of his career, Dean worked at the Denver Post, and then joined as a photographer for the National geographic society. Dean Conger traveled all the States, visited many countries of Europe and Asia, and in the period 1960-80-ies made more than 30 trips to the Soviet Union where he made many very interesting photographs.
Of course, just to ride on the USSR to photographer of the “decaying of America” no one would have allowed about it not directly saying, but most likely Dean Conger traveled with some support from the “competent authorities” under the guise of guides — you can tell by the comments under some photos Dina — “the author campaigned to remove new 5-9 storey blocks, not a wooden wreck in the centre of the city.” I think, if not support, then Dean would have filmed all the tin and more, but the fact that he managed to capture — very impressive and very different from the “official” Soviet staged photo.
So in today’s post are photos of the real Soviet Union, made American photographer. In General, make sure you check out the article below, write your opinion in the comments, and of friends added do not forget. And telegram channel also subscribe.
02. Begin immediately with one of the most famous and the most impressive photos of Dina — captured Moscow 1960-ies. Photo is just amazing and instantly one of its kind, exposes the delusional phrase Stalinists like “Stalin took Russia to the plow and left with the atomic bomb” — as it was plowed a century ago on the plow and plow. Photos be sure to browse all the European leftists who actually think that after Stalin began the space taxi to fly and a nuclear-propelled plows to work:
03. Street selling bagels. A typical situation for the Soviet trade — if there is any one more or less decent product (different from what was in the shops), it is often sold somewhere on the street, and always to it all lined up — whether good and not rotten apples, potatoes, fresh fish or bagels. Another note, what a contrast in appearance is relatively young women and grandmothers — in detail I wrote about this in the post about the Soviet old age.
04. Street children’s games come from the USSR — boys in the city of Bratsk play street Billiards, which shot down independently from the boards and instead of cloth covered with an old wool blanket striped. In the background you can see the wooden residential barracks. I remind you that this is footage of life is not some Afghanistan, and the “superpower” which is puffed to catch up with and overtake America.
05. Actually, the same photo, which do Dean Conger discouraged, trying to get to photograph new 5-9-storey blocks. The picture shows old, already a third sunken log house in Irkutsk. You will not see in any Soviet film, but you have to understand that a lot of Soviet citizens lived exactly like that — in the long-rotten Kolpino log huts with stove heating and public toilets of the “hole in the floor” on the street.
06. Another similar barracks, but this time in Tobolsk. This building survived a little better, but essentially still a wooden hut with no amenities. In Soviet films such the house is not shown — except in those that illustrated “the old dark life at damned tsarism”.
07. The market in the city of Rostov. Also very typical Soviet photos brisk trade with some poor apples in the direction which you now would not look. The fact is that the normal fruit in the USSR were in short supply, and the shortfall of vitamins/fiber people to buy anything — though that’s such a crappy apples.
08. Again the market, but in a different city. Street selling potatoes — Spud pour a huge shovel out of the body from tilted broom directly on the ground, followed immediately lined up a huge queue. One of the local residents stuck my hand in the lens of the photographer — considering that it takes something “inappropriate”.
That is, many actually knew how pathetic and humiliating is this Soviet trade, but was not going to solve the issues with the local authorities, and climbed close up lens — ish Pindos arrived here to denigrate us. The important thing is not that we should live better, and to this tin no one would know.
09. And again, the market, the saleswoman beet in Moscow. Grandma killed by the life form sells some dirty beets, behind her are peeled cabbage leaves, covered in black mold and rot, and even further grandmother sell onions. Here are those “natural and delicious Soviet products.” Grown, by the way, 89 the most harmful types of pesticides.
10. Another Soviet trade misery — barrels, shovels draught kvass, which fans of the Soviet Union is still remembered with a gasp and groans, almost as the best in the world about the Soviet ice cream. Barrels of water is not washed for months, because of which the inside is formed so to speak a very peculiar flora. In Belarus, these barrels with kvass has long been forbidden by the sanitary station. And another note on my grandfather with a mug in the foreground — at the top of the bag, there is likely deficient smoked fish wrapped in paper.
11. The queue at the mausoleum Lenin, the personality of which in the USSR there was a special cult — children from an early age pounded into your head all kinds of stories about how grandpa Lenin was a good and kind Society of clean plates organized and other such nonsense. Don’t know who from Muscovites voluntarily went to the Museum of Lenin — I think the huge queues at the entrance were formed from various “working groups”, which were brought to Moscow on tour, and even out of the ordinary visitors, in the visits to Moscow, which had for some reason included the obligatory visit to the ziggurat with dried carcass of the Leader.
12. Another example of Soviet religious events — the procession on the First of may. On a similar demonstration in voluntary-a compulsory order also put out all different labor groups, and about how it is necessary to carry out such religious processions — Soviet ideologists published a separate special books.
13. The from Novosibirsk. Apparently, his accompanying KGB Dean Conger said he wanted to capture troumouse in the background of the hotel “Novosibirsk”, to show the greatness of the Soviet working people — but personally, I think that in reality the frame is made in order to capture the street vendors of flowers — it’s all grandma’s very battered and bruised life of the species.
14. And another similar photo depicting the proportion of women in the USSR and awesome in its power in this picture of the seventies captured women painters. As Dean says — in the USSR, he saw many women engaged in manual labor, including extremely heavy. This was the so-called Soviet “emancipation of women and equalization of their rights”…
15. Typically shovels the waiting room — like thing continued to exist until about the mid-late nineties. All Lounges in the Soviet stations were always overcrowded — many literally spent the night here during a long direct because of the high cost and unavailability of hotels in the photo is just possible to see some of these people. If someone would like to tell you about “affordable and convenient transportation in the USSR”, this person is either a fool or one of the two, because the transport in the Soviet Union and the whole service and its infrastructure was uncomfortable and miserable.
16. Here’s another example — a mother and child at the station. Like everything else in the USSR, where going more than three people, and there were bed — much like a prison or barracks. Soviet kindergartens, hospitals, day-care centers — looked about the same.
17. On one of the pictures Dean Conger captured “barometer” in a space superpower, made of willow branches. When humidity increases, the willow branch loses its elasticity and lowered down — with the result that future astronauts can understand that it’s gonna rain.
18. Very good picture, which depicted the life of a Soviet province — a village in the Irkutsk region. In the frame captured children from a local kindergarten or elementary school, but much more interesting background. Some ramshackle houses, built in the year and a dreadful fence — as coming from the Stone age. By the way please note that many of the children in the frame has some very adult face with the imprint of longing.
19. The city of Bratsk, in this photograph by Dean Conger captured the construction of the Soviet Khrushchev with shitty free apartments in. Please note that there is no improvement to the Khrushchev didn’t come with the people settled in the house, actually standing in a bare bleak field, torn up by construction equipment and in the best case, they then find themselves right voluntary-compulsory Saturday planted some trees, bushes, and so on.
20. Well, my favorite icing on the cake is the city of Yakutsk, the diamond so to say the capital of the USSR and today’s Russia. In the background — built houses of the street, which is shown in the “official stories” about the city, and in the foreground you can see how actually lived a huge part of the population for<s>C</s>economic superpower…
Such cases.
How do you photo? Write in the comments what you think about all this, I wonder.
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