More than 150 thousand hryvnia per month can earn, logistics Director and sales Director in an IT company .
In Ukraine the average salary is about five thousand hryvnia. However, according to HR experts in the labour market have jobs with wages of more than 100 thousand hryvnia. Site Analytics presented the TOP 5 most highly paid job Feb.
First place was taken by vacancy Head of Sales Department (sales Director) in Kharkiv with paying 160 000 UAH. In order to successfully participate in the competition, enough to have five years of experience in foreign markets, experience in building and implementing sales strategy, team management, and excellent English.
In second place – Director of logistics (large commercial and industrial holding company) to pay 150 000 hryvnias. The requirement for the candidate: higher education (economic, technical), experience in senior positions in large production and trading companies or experience in management positions in logistics in large companies for at least 10 years and knowledge of the English language is not below Intermediate level the employer is willing to offer the S/N from the equivalent of 5000-7000 Euros (negotiable) + payment of the cost of living, the ability of the official car / renting, when using a personal vehicle, mobile communication.
Third place is taken by another leadership position – Director of export sales (FEA) to pay 125 000. In fourth place is the vacancy for sweet lovers – sales Director FMCG from “Food standard” (manufacturer of natural corn sticks), with payment of 100 000 hryvnia.
Closes the five of leaders – the head of projects in the agricultural sphere from the Agency with a payment of 100 000 hryvnia. Requirements: managerial experience and experience in the field of animal husbandry; to know the market of grain and other agricultural products. Of course, an important excellent English and analytical mind, communication skills, ability to work on result. Willingness to travel, including foreign, is welcome.
“Summing up the February ranking of the TOP jobs, it is clear that the presence of successful administrative experience as big a trump card in the struggle for a place under the sun, no matter in what field that experience is – employers are in,” summed up analysts
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