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Providers suggested to the Ukrainians, not to overpay for the products

Поставщики подсказали украинцам, как не переплачивать за продуктыJournalists found it profitable to buy a small portion of the goods.

Suppliers retailers and restaurateurs put the Ukrainians on a diet. In supermarkets, on the shelves be a mini-packaging of products and in restaurants for the same price give or smaller portions, or “dispersed weight” of cheaper products.

It happens that the visual packs look the same, but their content of 25-50 and then 100 g of less. For example, traditional one-litre bottle of milk in the afternoon with fire not find — there is at 890 and 900 ml large pack of cereals is often not honest pounds, and G. 875-900

We phoned a few manufacturers who have reduced their packaging, but none of them wished to comment on the trend. In one production, referred to the commercial secret, the other responded: “what’s wrong? Everyone is doing it”.

Director of the Ukrainian Association of trade networks suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko says that the way manufacturers responded to the changing consumer behavior. According to him, people are more likely to go to the shops. And if before they were bought once a week, now three or four times a week in small batches. “They buy exactly the amount that is in your pocket. And if there is 20 UAH — so he buys only 100 grams of oil.”

The expert also notes that in fact, buying in small portions, the Ukrainians are overpaid: “the First thing the buyer looks today, for the price, and there is 200 grams or 180, it will draw attention immediately. However, to divide the package into two — not to reduce the price by half, and thus make it cheaper by 30% maximum. So in the end people are overpaid”.

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