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Grapefruit juice helps stop cancer

Juice is non-toxic and no risk of overdose, which makes it a great candidate for a therapeutic agent, scientists say. Drinking grapefruit juice can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs, as this juice can increase the concentration of drugs, reported U.S. researchers from the University of Chicago. Scientists have tested …

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“Royal lake”: the cleanest lake in Germany. Photo

Koenigssee was formed during the last ice age due to melting glaciers. Lake Koenigssee (“Royal lake”), one of the most beautiful natural sights in Germany, located in the Southeast of Bavaria and belongs to the community of schönau am königssee. A large part of the lake lies within the National …

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Five people were killed in a plane crash in Argentina

After the crash the plane caught fire. A small plane crashed near the town of Marcos Paz, in the Argentine province of Buenos Aires, killing five people. According to the portal, on Board the aircraft Cessna 210 there were five people. After the crash, all aboard people were killed. According …

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