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Nokia may revive the legendary N-series

Nokia может возродить легендарную N-сериюSmartphones were the precursors of the Lumia series.

Nokia has applied for a trademark Nseries in the patent office of China.

Such a decision may indicate that soon we are waiting for the revival of popular in the 2005-2011 series phones.

On the website of the trademark office of State administration for industry and Commerce (SAIC) in China discovered the application for restoration of trademark rights Nseries. Journalists believe that this is a sign that the Global HMD company will try again to bring to market a highly successful series of multimedia smartphones.

These smartphones were the precursors of the Lumia series and was very good quality mobile photography.

Judging by the comments of users, the devices have the prospects. This is not surprising, given that the first batch of Nokia 6 in China were sold out in a minute.

“The N8 had the largest sensor ever put in a phone, he had a mechanical shutter. If they can do something like this again, regardless of the design, I’ll buy it,” wrote one user.

By the way, the series worked on the Symbian operating system. However, it is unlikely that their old OS Nokia too will revive.

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