Experts have told how the new minimum wage affect the incomes of Ukrainians.
Despite the increase in the minimum wage in Ukraine, the real income of the population declined substantially in the last month alone the figure dropped to 8.3%.
The relevant data are published on an official resource of the State statistics service.
Per full-time employee salary decreased by 7.2% compared to the previous year – in average it is about 6008 hryvnia. Although this amount is almost two times higher than the minimum income (3200 UAH), but to cover all expenses is not enough.
Leading indicators increase in income of workers of aviation sphere – they receive monthly 27,252 thousand hryvnias. Financiers and Bank employees count approximately 11,092 thousand hryvnia, and in communications earn from 10 thousand hryvnia.
The demand for jobs couriers has declined substantially, because they get paid almost the least compared to others: approximately 3,328 thousand.
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