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Home / Society / In the Kyiv region there was a scandal because of travel mother Loboda in Russia

In the Kyiv region there was a scandal because of travel mother Loboda in Russia

На Киевщине разгорелся скандал из-за поездки матери Лободы в РоссиюPeople are outraged by the participation of mothers Loboda in the Russian show.

In the Kyiv region there was a scandal because of travel-mother of the famous Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, Natalia, who is also a Deputy of the Irpin city Council in Russia.

In particular, the residents of Irpin outraged that Natalia Loboda took part in the show of Andrey Malakhov “Let them talk” on Russian television.

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На Киевщине разгорелся скандал из-за поездки матери Лободы в Россию

Public organization “Territorial community of the city Irpen” also appealed to MPs and SBU with a request to investigate the actions of the Deputy of the Irpin city Council from party “New faces”.

In an open letter to local residents recalled that “the First channel” is one of the mouthpieces of Russian propaganda and incite hatred towards Ukrainians.

Also iciency came to session to hear the official explanation of the mayor Vladimir Karpluk and members of the “New faces” on a trip by their colleagues in Moscow.

However, according to the publication “community” in the city iciency Natalia Loboda never saw because Karplyuk an hour before the meeting postponed the session on March 23.

“I yesterday at 21:20 got a call from the Secretary of the Irpin city Council Denisenko. For the first time in 2 years the Secretary took the Chairman of the faction. He announced that the session is transferred. The reason he has not announced,” said the Chairman of the faction of” Svoboda” Bogdan Melnychuk.

At the same time, the party members Maksim Loboda Pleshko, protecting Deputy of the Irpin city Council, said that Natalia gave him two thousand for fighters ATO.

“Although she is not a businessman and an oligarch. She gave me money when we were together. She’s a volunteer,” Pleshko said.

In his defense, Natalia said that took part in the Russian show not as a Deputy, and as the mother of the singer Loboda.

На Киевщине разгорелся скандал из-за поездки матери Лободы в Россию

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