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Home / Incident / Drunk accident: officer on a foreign car demolished concrete pole

Drunk accident: officer on a foreign car demolished concrete pole

Пьяное ДТП: чиновник на иномарке снес бетонный столб In Sumy the drunk official city Council car demolished concrete pole electrosupport.

The accident occurred on 15 March at about 22:00 at the intersection of Elias and Garden in the city centre.

According to the report, 61-year-old man lost control of the Toyota Camry, and driving out the roadway, drove into a pole. The latter fell across the road, blocking traffic. The patrol sent the driver to the examination at the hospital. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

It turned out that the permissible level of alcohol in his blood exceeded by 12 times and amounted to 2.36 ppm. In addition, the police found that the man was not carrying a driver’s license.

The culprit was the officer of the Sumy city Council Vasily Shcherbak, who heads the Department of property of communal property. The offender police discharged three administrative Protocol under article 130 (driving in state of alcoholic intoxication), article 126 (driving vehicle without proper documents) and article 124 (committing an accident), Art.

The driver airbag, so the driver escaped significant injuries. The car was damaged. During the night repairmen restored trolleybus line.

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