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As the Chernobyl area looks like today: post a photo

Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фотоThe network showed looks like a Ghost town Poliske.

Almost all the reports from the Chernobyl exclusion zone talk about Chernobyl and Pripyat, the history of which is well known — Chernobyl is the old town in the Ukrainian poles’e, the name of which was called the Chernobyl nuclear, Pripyat is a young city of power, built in the 1970s and ‘ 80s and evacuated on 27 April 1986.

This tells Maxim Mirovich.

Both cities were evacuated in the first days after the Chernobyl accident, and on the basis of the history of these two settlements formed a sort of stereotypical image of the exclusion Zone — say, all people were evacuated out of there almost immediately after the explosion of the Fourth reactor. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In fact, the history of the exclusion Zone is much more complex and multifaceted than it may seem at first glance. First, the territory itself is “Thirty” is not a thirty-kilometer — in the West territory of the exclusion Zone stretches nearly 70 kilometers from the station — there are abandoned farm fields and charred pine forest affected by forest fires. And secondly — there is an Area of villages and whole towns that were not evacuated in the first days, or even in the first years after the accident.

The city of the woodlands — just one of those cities located in the far Western part of the exclusion Zone. About woodlands was silent in the Soviet era, do not like to talk about him now — it’s too complex a story was, the city at the end of the twentieth century. Woodlands is somewhat reminiscent of the mythical Limansk from the game “S. T. A. L. K. E. R.”, about which character in the game named Forester said: “for a Long time did not hear it about this city. People believe that there was no Limansk at all.” However, the town of Poliske was, and his main trouble was that he was resettled only in the middle of 1990-x years, almost 10 years after the Chernobyl accident.

Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото
Как Чернобыльская зона выглядит сегодня: опубликованы фото

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