The bill 4733-1 increases developers ‘ liability for violations and changes the rules on the market.
On 8 February the President of Ukraine signed the law “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine concerning improvement of urban development activities” (former bill No. 4733-1).
Under the new law, the procedure for issuance of permits will be determined not by the complexity of the construction object, and the class of consequences (minor, medium and significant). The construction of medium and large class of effects will be carried out exclusively on the licensing system. Therefore, large housing complexes, high-rise buildings, social facilities, shopping malls, office buildings will be built only if the full package of the allowing documentation.
According to GASHI, who played one of the developers of the bill, it will strengthen the opposition of the state to the illegal construction and policyit developers ‘ liability for violations.
“Such steps will greatly enhance the efficiency of state struggle against the illegal construction at the stage of obtaining permits, since unscrupulous developers can no longer understate the difficulty or to build such objects, deliberately declaring false information – on the law of the land, town-planning conditions and restrictions, or to avoid the passage of construction expertise”, – quotes the head of GASI Alexey Kudryavtsev, the press service of the Ministry.
Also, note in EXTINGUISH, there is a growing responsibility of public authorities, in particular officials of the authorities gosarhstroykontrolya, for their decisions. “Clear rules for obtaining permits, which are set in accordance with the new wording of the law, will eliminate possibilities for manipulating urban planning law by the developers and officials”, – says Alexey Kudryavtsev. According to him, the amendments will significantly reduce the risks for people who invest in the construction, and really will reduce the number of illegal buildings. This, according to the official, will significantly improve the rating of Ukraine in Doing Business and positively affect the development of the construction industry as a whole.
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