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Home / business / The participants of the blockade of Donbass plan to cover the last rail transition

The participants of the blockade of Donbass plan to cover the last rail transition

Участники блокады Донбасса планируют перекрыть последний ж/д переходThe other three rail crossing over the line of demarcation is already locked.

Blockade activists plan to block the railway crossing (Mariupol-Volnovakha), which comes scarce coal from ATO zone for Ukrainian thermal power plants, said the former battalion commander Donbass Anatoly Vinogrodsky.

“Mariupol branch (Mariupol-Volnovaha) will be close” – quoted by UNIAN Vinogrodsky. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

He added that the other three rail crossing over the line of demarcation is already locked, but still remains one railway line on which coal flows from Russia to the Luhansk TPP.

“We are not afraid of anyone, we will continue the blockade and will continue to expand, to put posts on the roads,” said Vinogrodsky.

We will remind, on a post in Bahmut is one of the deputies prevented the police inspection of the bus the GROOVE in which there were about 20 people in camouflage uniforms.

On January 25, activists along with a number of people’s deputies began a trade blockade of trade with the occupied areas of Donbass. The Ukrainian authorities opposed this. In turn, the result of the blockade began to have problems with the supply of coal of anthracite to thermal power plants. From February 17 in Ukraine introduced chrezvychainoe position in the energy sector.

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