Three jurors will judge the COP killer in the river.
Accused of the murder of two police patrol in the river will be judged the jury. February 9 in the Central (Kirov) district court of the Dnieper, the jury was formed and approved candidates.
“According to the decision, the jury panel will consist of three jurors, two candidates have also been approved as spare. They took the oath”, – says the publication.
On Thursday the court also partially granted the petition of the representatives of the media, allowing video of the whole process, in addition to interviewing witnesses.
Relatives of the dead policemen came to court with portraits of the slain patrolmen.
After the defendant and his lawyer stated that he is not acquainted with some documents of the case, in court session was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on February 17.
A preliminary hearing for the murder of two police patrol in the river, to be held January 27 in the Central district court of the city, has been rescheduled for 9 February. The court then explained that the building was not fit for the consideration of this case, given the security requirements.
25 September 2016 in the river the driver of the car, which was stopped by police, began to resist and shoot at police officers. As a result of this patrol were killed: 27-year-old Artem Kutushev and 36-year-old Olga Makarenko.
Suspect, as the police said, was already wanted by police for past serious crimes Alexander Pugachev, a former fighter of the former company patrol police special purpose “Tornado”.
Before fleeing the attacker was also wounded. After the arrest, he was operated in one of the hospitals of the Dnieper and moved to a special facility for the detention.
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