Ingenious inventions of Amateurs.
The actress first simulated orgasm in the movie, came up with the control system of missiles, and the purchaser of the cotton — plaster. The most amazing (and useful!) inventions made by non — professionals- in this material.
Control system torpedoes: actress Hedy Lamarr
The history of the Austrian-American actress Hedy Lamarr — a vivid example of this invention. Beautiful woman with eyebrow threads has become famous not only for being the first movie depicted a scene of orgasm (“Ecstasy”, dir. Gustav Mahat, 1933), but the fact that invented a system for remote control of torpedoes. Basic knowledge about what is actually torpedoes and how they work, unwittingly gave her and her husband Fritz Mandl weapons manufacturer, ex on the short leg with Hitler and Mussolini.
It came to me while playing the piano for four hands. Watching synchronously moving hands on the keys, jumping from octave to octave, Hedy realized that the same principle is suitable for torpedoes
Fritz was proud of his wife and took her for all methods, including military meeting, where he discussed the weaponry of the Nazis. Fled from her husband in America before the Second world war, Hedy decided to invent a radio-controlled torpedo which cannot be intercepted. It came to me while playing the piano for four hands. Watching synchronously moving hands on the keys, jumping from octave to octave, Hedy realized that the same principle is suitable for torpedoes. Enough to use with the signal code that will change the frequency, like “jumping” on the radio. And sync the transmitter and receiver. Lamarr’s invention formed the basis of modern GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Circular saw: Tabitha Babbitt weaver
Many inventions were born out of a desire to make life easier for yourself and others. So was the case with a circular saw. Weaver and member of a Protestant religious community of shakers, Tabitha Babbitt once (it was in the beginning of XIX century!) watched the work of two men sawing a log normal saw. She was very attentive to detail and noticed that the actual cutting occurs when the saw moves in the same direction. Reverse movement — a waste of effort in vain. Wanting to help his community members, she invented a saw that sawed continuously. The first circular saw was a metal disc with sharp teeth attached to a spinning wheel. Patent neither Tabitha nor other members of her community had not received due to religious beliefs.
Ball point pen: a journalist, bíró lászló
The Hungarian journalist biró lászló sort of activity had a lot to write. And of course, he was familiar with the disadvantages of fountain pens: they constantly leaked and ink they run out at the most inopportune moment. In 1938, Laszlo came up with a new principle of operation of handles: thick ink was placed in a thin capillary, at the end of which was a balloon. Revolving in all directions, the ball is transferred the ink onto the paper. On the eve of the Second world Laszlo emigrated from Hungary to Argentina, and there defended the patent. Since ballpoint pens in Argentina is called “birome”, September 29 — birthday Biro Laszlo — here is celebrated as inventor’s Day.
Car wipers: realtor Mary Anderson
One day, the American Mary Anderson was riding in a tram. There was a windy snowy day of winter in 1902. To see something through the windshield, to clear it, the driver and pushed the shutter (windshield at that time were not United, and shifted relative to each other) to the side. Enough of such treatment for a while. Passengers were caught in the open window of the snow charges. Mary came up with the idea that you can manage cleaning the windshield from the cab. The idea so captivated the woman that she began to draw the device straight on the sweaty glass in the tram. And came home, sat down at the drawing table.
A year later, the wiper Anderson was ready. It was made of wood and rubber. The rubber brush is attached to the lever that was in the driver’s cab. In order to remove snow and ice from the windshield, the driver was enough to turn the lever. It was assumed that the device will only work in winter, so it was mobile in the spring it can be removed. Unfortunately, there are no dividends, the invention is not brought. Automotive companies found it impractical. Wipers, more or less similar to the modern, was created in 1911 by the company Sloan & Lloyd Barnes. By the time the patent Mary Anderson has completed his action.
Band-aid: purchasing agent Earl Dixon
Another useful invention invented by man, far from any science. In the 1920-ies by someone named Earl Dickson worked at Johnson & Johnson, purchaser of cotton. For the invention of band-aid was inspired by a housewife that constantly went in bruises and cuts household wasn’t easy for her. Fingers Mrs. Dixon were wrapped in bandages that were wet. Then Earl cut gauze pieces, glued them to sticky tape laid across the length of the tape cloth strip and stow the whole thing into a roll. The world’s first band-aid was ready.
Sales of band-aid brought the Johnson & Johnson annual profits by tens of millions of dollars, and Earl Dixon soon became the Vice-President of the company
Dixon showed the invention to the bosses at Johnson & Johnson — they were shocked by the simplicity and functionality and in 1924 launched the factory outlet of adhesive tape. And after 15 years, it began to be sterilized. Sales of band-aid brought the Johnson & Johnson annual profits by tens of millions of dollars, and Earl Dixon soon became the Vice-President of the company.
Knapsack parachute: actor Gleb Kotelnikov
Colleague Hedy Lamarr, Russian actor Gleb Kotelnikov invented his invention, inspired by the tragedy. In 1910 he learned about the death of the pilot of Malevich that had fallen from the plane during performances at the all-Russian festival of Aeronautics. Shocked Kotelnikov decided to come up with a tool that would save pilots in crisis situations.
The first knapsack parachute RK-1, appeared in 1912. It was similar to a modern device: round dome metal container with springs, exhaust ring. The first test conducted on the ground using a car. Tied to the car a parachute and broke up with her. Speed pulled out the ring. The dome opened instantly. The braking force was such that it stalled the engine in the car. Subsequent tests — using mannequins and people — was successful. During the First world war the parachutes Nyquist were used by Russian troops. The modern parachute is a tradition to tie ribbons to tighten the parachute to the trees at the Nyquist grave at the Novodevichy cemetery.
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